- Federation Competitions -
Theme : The 1920’s
Monday 28th November
Woodenbridge Hotel
1. Display Table
To be dressed in 1920s style.
Must include paper flowers which were popular in the 1920s
An Afternoon Tea Tiered Stand
2. Crafts
1920s style Long Sleeved Gloves and Bag to match (any medium)
3. Arts
A 1920s style hairband/headgear (any medium)
4. Produce
An afternoon tea with sandwiches and cakes 20s style which will be displayed on the tiered stand on the display table
5. Project
Make a scrapbook of the 1920s to include photos, images, news, stories and facts
6. Entertainment
Entertainment with a 1920s theme approx 5 minutes
Marks out of 100 for each section
Do involve as many people from your guild as possible - make this a real guild effort.
There will be a few prizes on the night for - Best Dressed 1920’s style.
(This is optional, not part of the Guild of the Year Competition.)
Why not have a bit of fun? Put on your glad rags for the roaring twenties!