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- ICA Wicklow Federation -

ICA Wicklow Federation is one of 27 Federations of the Irish Countrywomen's Association. Wicklow Federation encompasses all of the Guilds in County Wicklow. Wicklow Federation holds meetings and other social events at least 4 times a year. Federation meetings are a wonderful opportunity for members from all the Wicklow Guilds to meet and get to know each other, as well as taking part in Federation events and competitions.

The President of Wicklow Federation is Susanna Braswell.

- Guilds -

A Guild is a local ICA group. Wicklow Federation has Guilds in various locations across the county. Each Guild meets monthly from Sept to June. Most Guilds invite speakers to their monthly meetings to give a talks or demonstration on a wide variety of topics. Guilds have other optional activities which take place between meetings. Each Guild will have its own varied programme of activities such as art, crafts, cookery, drama, choir, creative writing, outings, physical activity, educational classes and competitions.

- Finding and Joining a Guild -

Guilds are always delighted to welcome new members.  Membership is open to all women in Ireland over the age of 18. You do not have to be Irish to join an ICA Guild. Check out our Guilds page to find your nearest Guild, or to see if there is a Guild which matches a particular interest that you have. We will be happy to match you up with a Guild near you.

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